Mentoring Program for University / Tertiary Students
Mindset for post-secondary work and stress management.
Highly successful when incorporated in existing mentoring programs.
Mentees show benefits in desire to continue in their study.
Mentors find it easy to explain different elements of mindset.
University student support, engagement services enhanced.
Positive evaluation, Deakin University, Faculty Business & Law.

Extraordinary and effective way to promote student success and wellbeing
a particularly relevant point today, given the current sector-wide attention on the need for universities to do far more to help students with their mental health challenges.
Helps reduce student attrition
bolstering your university’s brand and reputation, as well as supporting its critical financial imperatives.
Improves student satisfaction and success
enriching overall student experience, creating happier, more loyal endorsers, and boosting the number of high-achieving, more capable and more employable graduates.
The THINK WORK SMART Mentoring Program
For more than 20 years, researchers have investigated the inner world of students to see which psychological elements (ways of thinking, feeling, behaving) contribute to high performance and wellbeing at university and in their subsequent workplaces.
Now we understand how successful university students think about themselves, their studies and the world of work. Professor Bernard has created a mentoring program that involves mentees (often upper-level university students) mentoring first-year under-graduate students in the ten elements of a successful mind.
This 10-session mentoring program consisting of an online, Mentor’s Guide and a digital, interactive, 140+ page Student Guide.
Based on the latest research and best practice from the fields of social-emotional learning, positive psychology and cognitive-behaviour, rational-emotive therapies, this program includes the following sessions:
- Growth Mindset
- Character Strength
- Goal Setting
- Resilience
- Mindfulness
- Self-Acceptance
- Optimism
- Time Management
- Relationships
Click here to download the PDF brochure
In its’ present form, this program is designed to be presented by a mentor to one student or a small group of students (mentees).
The program assists mentors to help mentees become more aware of and develop their psychological strengths.
Mentors incorporate within their traditional role of listener, supporter and problem solver three areas in which they can influence their mentees:
- Helping mentees become aware of the 10 elements of a successful mind.
- Providing mentees with an understanding of their own development of these elements at this stage of their lives.
- Assisting them to develop elements of the successful mind they have selected by applying them to their study and daily encounters at university and as they prepare to engage with work experiences.
Each mentee requires a copy of the 145 page Student Guide to The Successful Mind at Study Work and Life (author: Professor Michael E. Bernard).
The Student Guide has been written using non-technical psychological language which is easy enough for mentees to understand. Rather than mentees who are non-teachers nor counsellors having to explain psychological content to mentees in their own words, the idea is for both mentor and mentees to review the ideas on the pages of the Student Guide, for the mentor to ask questions, seek comments and for mentees to complete one or more activity sheets that appear in each section of their Student Guide that will help them understand and use the elements of the successful mind.
Contact us for pricing
Annual Digital Licence (GST inclusive)
The THINK WORK SMART Mentoring Program is ten sessions designed for tertiary-level students to prepare them for university life, to cope with stress, engage successfully with their chosen course of study and be prepared for the world of work.
Student Guides to be purchased separately.